• Bring learning to life with tools that simplify teaching and ignite curiosity.

In the News

Discovery Education’s Bill Goodwyn on giving educators ‘not just what they want, but what they need’
Spring into action for these contests
Discovery Education Teams Up With LG Electronics USA to Launch “Discover Your Happy” Program That Combats Youth Stress With Science-Based Happiness Curriculum
DEA officials to speak to Norwin drug prevention group
Stemming the leak: 4 ways to encourage STEM in your middle schooler
Operation Prevention Taking On Opioid Abuse
Discovery Education STEM Connect
Next-gen innovators reshape science and tech with inventions
11-year-old is the latest innovator in the fight against lead in water
A prize-winning solution for polluted water
Q&A: The importance of STEM support for teachers
12 year-old a Good Bet for the Smartest Kid in Colorado
1 2 3 68 69 70 71 72 73
The Young Scientists Whose Bold Ideas Could Reshape The World
Curiosity And Discovery Education
Scaling up STEM Education
Stephen Wakefield
Senior Vice President, Global Communications
Office: (240) 883-6864
Mobile: (202) 316-6615
Grace Maliska
Senior Manager, Global Communications
Office: (240) 839-4239