• Mark your calendars! Fall 2024 release schedule of Virtual Field Trips and our first-ever DE Doc is here!

Night Navigators: Build for Bats
Virtual Field Trip

Premiere Day & Time:
October 29 | 1PM ET

Grades 3-8

Join Discovery Education, the LEGO Group, and Bat Conservation International on a virtual tour exploring the life of bats in the wild and in conservancies and zoos. Your students will discover the critical role bats play in protecting farmers’ crops from pests and what we can do to help bats thrive!
Traversing America’s south from Texas to Florida, this Virtual Field Trip takes students on a journey to learn about a variety of bat species and the many ways they contribute to healthy ecosystems around the world. Students will also hear directly from conservationists and scientists in the field who work to protect these bats’ habitats.
We invite you and your class to register today!

Learn more about this Virtual Field Trip >

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