• Unleashing Life Skills with Golf: A Virtual Field Trip to LIV Golf’s Team Championship Premiering Feb 19

Mission Possible Virtual Field Trip:
Re-powering the Future

Premiere Day & Time:
November 21 | 1PM ET

Grades 6-8

Our planet is facing some big challenges, and the growing demand for energy is one of them. But with big challenges come big possibilities.

We’re excited to bring you Mission Possible, a new Virtual Field Trip series, created to inspire the next generation of innovative solution-seekers! This first episode, Re-powering the Future, brings students to field locations such as former industrial areas, coal mines, and landfills currently being reimagined and repurposed to host different energy generation sites. Students will explore the challenges behind reclaiming industrial sites for energy production and meet some of the STEM champions who are creating innovative solutions right now. They’ll learn about the future of energy transformation and the STEM skills required for careers in this important field.

We invite you to register your class today!