We’re pleased to continue the statewide partnership between the New Hampshire Department of Education and Discovery Education through the ’24-’25 school year!
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As a learning leader, we recognize your need to focus on equitable instruction for all your students. Join us for a 45-minute session to learn how Discovery Education Experience, our K-12 learning platform, provides your teachers with authentic, real-world content, useful teaching tools, and professional learning strategies.
Sign up for a 1-to-1 Professional Development Workshop for New Hampshire educators using Experience!
All Professional Development is a part of Discovery Education’s statewide agreement with the New Hampshire Department of Education. There is no cost.
Take the Discovery Education Canvas Course and earn professional learning hours. Please log-in to Canvas and enroll at this link. You will have the opportunity to explore thousands of engaging digital resources, ready-to-use activities, and creation tools to support teaching and learning in all classrooms.
Check with your district or school leaders to learn how to sign in to Discovery Education.
Still not sure? Use the Search My School feature on the sign-in page and we’ll guide you the rest of the way.
Share these sign-in flyers with educators and families:
For Educators – English
For Families – English | Spanish | French | Mandarin | Vietnamese | Arabic
Explore the videos below to learn about the resources and features in DE and how it can serve as your daily learning platform.
Visit our Help Center to learn about Discovery Education, including our integrations with Canvas, Google Classroom, and Schoology.
We currently don’t have any upcoming events, but this is where you’ll find all the dtails when future events are announced. Be sure to check back regularly for updates.
For more information, please reach out to Nancy Rose at NRose@discoveryed.com.
Trusted by educators since 2005, the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) offers you one of the most thriving professional learning networks in the world. They’re educators from all roles and backgrounds, joined by a passion for continuous learning and a commitment to their students.
Sr. Manager, Statewide and Strategic Partnerships, New Hampshire
Schedule Professional Learning
Manager, Statewide and Strategic Partnerships, New Hampshire
Schedule Professional Learning