Science Techbook for Oregon
Complete Science Program:
Digital + Print + Science Kits + Professional Learning

For Oregon Science Classrooms
Discovery Education is honored to partner with Oregon educators to provide K-12 science solutions aligned with the 2022 Oregon Science Standards. With digital, print, and blended options, DE delivers a wide range of resources to support students as they discover how science is practiced in the real world while focusing on deeper understanding and application of grade-appropriate science content.
K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 Formally Adopted by the Oregon Department of Education for the 2024 Oregon State Adoption

Reimagine an arcade classic!
Science Techbook
Discovery Education’s Science Techbook is a K-12 science core curriculum complete with an engaging digital platform, print student textbooks, hands-on activity kits, and custom professional learning. This comprehensive curriculum includes ready-to-go phenomena-driven lessons that motivate students, technology tools such as immersive reader and toggle-on Spanish that personalize access, and time-saving teacher tools to streamline prep and grading.
Mystery Science
Mystery Science by Discovery Education is a unique, NGSS-aligned science curriculum for grades K-5 designed to help students stay curious. Mystery Guides lead engaging, open-and-go lessons with step-by-step hands-on activities exploring scientific phenomena using items commonly found in the classroom.
Supplemental & Available to Bundle

Meet Mystery Science

Meet Pivot Interactives
Pivot Interactives
Pivot Interactives provides phenomena-based, active learning activities that teachers can embed into every part of the learning cycle, without adding to their plates. With 500+ ready-to-use interactive activities for grades 6-12, students see, measure, analyze, and explore science for themselves.
Supplemental & Available to Bundle
Program Components
Student Print and Digital Editions
Teacher Print and Digital Editions
Story Cards
Professional Learning
Hands-On Science Kits
Discovery Education K-12 Learning Platform
Educator Support
Support Educators Every Step of the Way
Discovery Education Professional Learning recognizes the unique opportunities of shifting to new state standards and can provide tailored professional learning to help navigate these changes. Professional Learning is a part of the state adoption, which can be delivered as needed throughout the duration of the adoption cycle.
Access and Equity for All Students
Discovery Education is built to support the unique needs of every learner with interactive resources and multimedia, Spanish/English options, adjustable reading levels, and read-aloud tools.
Discovery Educator Network (DEN)
In the DEN community, one of the most thriving professional learning networks in the world, educators can ask questions, share ideas, collaborate, and participate in events and experiences.
Professional Learning Center
Educators can explore and grow their practice through relevant in-person, virtual, and on-demand professional development opportunities, as well as embedded instructional planning resources, all at their convenience and comfort level.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Discovery Education incorporate phenomena?
Students are introduced to a real-world anchor phenomenon in every unit. Our units are organized around the storyline learning model, creating a three-dimensional learning framework. This relevant phenomenon hooks students and encourages them to ask important questions as they investigate and collaborate to explain, make predictions, and solve problems.
All concepts are launched with a real-world investigative phenomenon and related “Can You Explain? questions directly tied to the Anchor Phenomenon for each unit. This provides multiple pathways for students to demonstrate their sensemaking through the development of models and scientific explanations in the claim, evidence, and reasoning format.
Students revisit the anchor phenomenon repeatedly as they solve problems related to the Unit Project.
Does Discovery Education’s Science Techbook for Oregon have print student textbooks?
Yes! The consumable Student Editions are available in print for Grades K-8. Additionally, digital content is printable.
Does Science Techbook for Oregon have Interactives?
Yes! Science Techbook offers students immersive, interactive, and creative ways to explore including virtual labs, interactive activities, videos, animations, and more! Pivot Interactives includes 500+ ready-to-use interactive activities for Grades 6-12, where students see, measure, analyze, and explore science for themselves.
Does Science Techbook for Oregon have hands-on materials kits?
Yes! Hands-on kits are available for grades K-8.
Is Science Techbook for Oregon available in multiple Lexile levels?
Yes, when accessing Science Techbook for Oregeon online for Grades 3-12, students use a toggle to switch content between Reading levels A and B. Reading level B is approximately 200 Lexile points lower.
Is Science Techbook for Oregon available in Spanish?
Yes, when accessing Techbook online, students use a toggle to switch content from English to authentically translated Spanish.
What resources does Science Techbook for Oregon have for English Language Learners?
Embedded Strategies for English Language Learners (ELL) are available at point-of-use within the Teacher materials. ELL tools at point-of-use, including speak-to-text, are constructed around the strategies for language acquisition standards. The Student Techbook is available in Spanish via a Toggle.
Students and instructors can also take advantage of the Immersive Reader located within the interactive glossaries. Immersive Reader provides personalized access to the curriculum with features such as read-aloud, line focus, translation, and grammar markings, as well as the ability to adjust the size, style, and color of the font. The Immersive Reader authentically translates the text into over 100 languages.
Is Science Techbook for Oregon research based?
Yes! The Discovery Education Science Techbook for Oregon curriculum is a research-backed, standards-aligned, blended science curriculum aligned to the 2022 Oregon Science Standards. The pedagogy of the program is grounded in the 5E instructional model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate). DE’s 5E-based science curriculum provides rigorous, hands-on, and digital activities that connect students to the real world around them.
How does Discovery Education support onboarding and training?
Professional Learning supports educators from implementation and throughout the life of the adoption. Look for training that is effective, relevant, and easy to customize just the way you need it! Professional Learning has flexible implementation including:
- In-person
- Asynchronous
- On-demand
Can sensors be used with Pivot Interactives?
Pivot Interactives has powerful ways for students to collect, share, and analyze data from electronic sensors. From activity instructions, directly collecting sensor data, collaborating in student groups, and providing automatic feedback, Pivot Interactives streamlines sensor-based activities.