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South Carolina Educators Feedback on Experience


South Carolina Feedback Survey on Discovery Education Experience

Research & Impact




Time Period:

September 2022


Discovery Education Research & Analytics

Grade Level:



  • Discovery Education Experience
  • Professional Learning

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The DE Research & Analytics team conducted a feedback survey in September of 2022 to learn more about the use of Discovery Education Experience among South Carolina educators, Specifically, they wanted to glean insights into digital teaching and learning, and how professional learning plays a critical role. The final survey featured a total of 17 responses from experienced educators that taught a range of subjects and grades.

south carolina study card

Connecting STEAM Classroom Data to Student Achievement Data


Connecting STEAM Classroom Data to Student Achievement Data: An Empirical Perspective

Research & Impact



Research Article

Time Period:



Journal of Education and Social Development






Discovery Education Experience and
Professional Learning

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Emerging STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) classrooms in K-12 schools across the United States have prompted researchers to question the impact of STEAM instruction on student achievement. This study examined the relationship between STEAM classroom instructional environment measures and students’ achievement scores in mathematics and language arts using standardized achievement tests. 

Researchers captured multifaceted STEAM instructional strategies associated with creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills using a numeric observation scale associated with four levels of intensity. A series of Spearman Rho correlation procedures were performed to examine the relationship between the classroom observation data (independent variables) and state standardized achievement scores (dependent variables). These data were empirically connected to students’ achievement scores derived from state standardized testing data. 

Implications of empirically connecting STEAM instructional practices to student achievement outcomes may offer an action plan for school districts to capture empirical evidence, thereby assisting them with STEAM funding challenges. Implications of the study may also provide evidence for researchers for determining: (a) effective STEAM instructional strategies; (b) purposeful STEAM professional development; and (c) strategic workforce preparation skills necessary for moving STEAM forward into a global community of learners.


Journal of Education and Social Development

July. 2020, pages 1-9
ISBN 2572-9829 (Online), 2572-9810 (Print)

Florida Study Shows Correlation between Discovery Education and Student Achievement


The Relationship Between Discovery Education and State of Florida Grades 3-12 Achievement

Research & Impact



Executive Summary

Time Period:

2018-2019; 2021-2022


McREL International

Grade Level:



  • Discovery Education Experience
  • Science Techbook
  • Social Studies Techbook

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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Discovery Education’s market presence and academic achievement in the State of Florida. The study used a correlational design, where the outcomes of interest were school average state assessment scores in Math, Science, English, and Social Studies for Spring 2019 and 2022; and the focal predictor was if a school had a Discovery Education license or not (i.e., treatment or comparison).

The research question this study aimed to answer was whether or not schools with one or a combination of Discovery Education products report higher achievement scores than schools who do not have access to any DE product. The results showed instances where Discovery Education had positive effects on student achievement. 

Texas Study Shows Correlation Between Discovery Education and Student Achievement


The Relationship Between Discovery Education and Texas Grades 3-12 Achievement

Research & Impact



Executive Summary

Time Period:

2018-2019; 2021-2022


McREL International

Grade Level:



  • Discovery Education Experience
  • Science Techbook
  • Social Studies Techbook
  • Mystery Science

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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Discovery Education’s market presence and academic achievement in the State of Texas. The study used a correlational design, where the outcomes of interest were school average state assessment scores in Math, Science, English, and Social Studies for Spring 2019 and 2022; and the focal predictor was if a school had a Discovery Education license or not (i.e., treatment or comparison).

The research question this study aimed to answer was whether or not schools with one or a combination of Discovery Education products report higher achievement scores than schools who do not have access to any DE product. The results showed instances where Discovery Education had positive effects on student achievement. 

North Carolina Statewide Study Summary of Findings


North Carolina Statewide Study Summary of Findings

Research & Impact



Case Study

Time Period:



Discovery Education Research & Analytics

Grade Level:



  • Discovery Education Experience
  • Science Techbook
  • Math Techbook

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Discovery Education Research & Analysis compared partner schools in North Carolina to non-partner schools to study the extent to which achievement on state summative assessments is related to partnership with Discovery Education.

To accomplish this, Discovery Education compared the published school level data for the state of North Carolina for the 2016-2017 school year to a list of Discovery Education partners for the same time period, resulting in an analysis of achievement of DE partner schools vs. non-DE partner schools.

There are 34 performance indicators that show that partner schools perform better than non-DE partner schools. This positive correlation between DE partners and better scores found in the overall sample also holds for several different demographic subgroups.

Grade-Level Proficiency Results
% of students who met the state’s GLP benchmark (2016-2017)

Science Techbook Logic Model: ESSA Evidence Level IV​


Science Techbook Logic Model: ESSA Evidence Level IV

Research & Impact



Logic Model

Grade Level:



LearnPlatform by Instructure


Science Techbook

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Discovery Education engaged LearnPlatform by Instructure, a third-party edtech research company, to develop a logic model for Science Techbook. LearnPlatform by instructure designed the logic model to satisfy Level IV requirements (Demonstrates a Rationale) according to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

To continue building evidence of effectiveness and to examine the proposed relationships in the logic model, Discovery Education plans to conduct an evaluation to determine the extent to which Science Techbook produces the desired outcomes. Specifically, Discovery Education has plans to begin an ESSA Level II study.

Because of the development of the logic model and the plan for an ESSA Level II study, Science Techbook meets Tier IV evidence requirements in compliance with ESSA.


LearnPlatform by Instructure, Researcher Andrew Scanlan, M.A., Associate Director of Research Molly Henschel, Ph.D., and Research Contractor Elizabeth Allen, Ph.D. “Science Techbook Logic Model.” Discovery Education, August 4, 2023.

Discovery Education’s Impact on Student Achievement​


Discovery Education's Impact on Student Achievement

Research & Impact



Research Brief

Time Period:

2016 – 2022


Discovery Education Research & Analytics

Grade Level:



  • Discovery Education Experience
  • Science Techbook
  • Math Techbook

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Our award-winning K-12 platform, Discovery Education Experience, empowers educators with a vast collection of multimodal resources vetted and curated to support differentiated, scaffolded learning in any environment. Experience is built upon a theory of action about how best to enhance the K-12 teaching and learning experience. Based on this theory of action, Discovery Education produced a logic model that serves as a conceptual map for Experience.

Findings from multiple studies tell a consistent and promising story of how use of Discovery Education’s curricular resources is related to outcomes that matter across the country for students overall, and especially for racial/ethnic minorities and students impacted by poverty, disabilities, and limited English proficiency. Discovery Education access is, in fact, making a significant difference in teaching and learning.

Download the full research brief to learn more about how Discovery Education makes an impact on student achievement across multiple states and supports educators with innovative ways to connect and collaborate with one another. 

Discovery Education Experience Logic Model: ESSA Evidence Level IV​


Discovery Education Experience Logic Model: ESSA Evidence Level IV

Research & Impact



Logic Model


LearnPlatform by Instructure

Grade Level:




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Discovery Education engaged LearnPlatform by Instructure, a third-party edtech research company, to develop a logic model for Discovery Education Experience learning platform. LearnPlatform by instructure designed the logic model to satisfy Level IV requirements (Demonstrates a Rationale) according to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

To continue building evidence of effectiveness and to examine the proposed relationships in the logic model, Discovery Education plans to conduct an evaluation to determine the extent to its program produces the desired outcomes. Specifically, Discovery Education has plans to begin an ESSA Level III study.

Because of the development of the logic model and the plan for an ESSA Level III study, Discovery Education Experience meets Tier IV evidence requirements in compliance with ESSA.


LearnPlatform by Instructure, Researcher Andrew Scanlan, M.A., Associate Director of Research Molly Henschel, Ph.D., and Research Contractor Elizabeth Allen, Ph.D. “Discovery Education Platform Logic Model.” Discovery Education, May 19, 2023.