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Transformative Solutions for Your School, Now

School leaders can trust Discovery Education to provide the most effective and engaging K-12 learning solutions to address their top priorities. It’s not too late to create positive outcomes for your students this school year!

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Ask us about our Math and Reading Acceleration special offers for the 2024-25 school year!

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Discovery Education Solves Principals’ Top Concerns

Improve Student Outcomes

The only solution rated ESSA-Strong in both math and reading and proven to make grade-level gains and boost scores on state assessments.

Serve All Learners

Our adaptive programs offer differentiated instruction for all types of learners, including ELL and diverse learners.

Support and Empower Teachers

Educators work smarter, not harder, with our comprehensive teacher toolkit, data-driven strategies, and professional learning opportunities.

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Create Proficient, Lifelong Readers

At a time when student reading scores are at a historic low and resources are increasingly slim, DreamBox Reading programs deliver results for students at all levels, building crucial foundational literacy skills for PK-2 and addressing unseen and unheard gaps in learning for grades 3-12. In fact, Reading Plus is the only reading solution to diagnose and measure student motivation alongside skill gaps.

Accelerate Math Success for Every Student

DreamBox Math develops the critical math skills, conceptual understanding, and confidence every student needs for grade-level success and beyond – without adding more to teachers’ plates. The Intelligent Adaptive Learning engine in DreamBox Math tracks student interactions and evaluates their strategies to provide personalized instruction. Every student progresses at the pace and on the instructional path that’s right for them. The program is rated ESSA-Strong and proven to create positive outcomes.

Differences in EOY Math Assessment Outcomes for 7–8 Grade DreamBox Math Users and Non-Users: Spring 2022
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Empower Teachers and Build Capacity

The reality of today’s classrooms is that there are fewer professionals with less capacity to make even greater gains for students. Discovery Education’s solutions offer educators a lifeline. DreamBox Reading and Math solutions do the heavy lifting of differentiating instruction to a highly personalized level. These programs integrate easily into existing curricula and require just a few hours of student engagement each week to make significant learning gains. Discovery Education Experience is the ultimate teaching toolkit. Easy to use, grab-and-go lessons and activities use engaging resources and embedded instructional supports to enhance daily instruction.

Principals Love Discovery Education

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Our district believes in teaching students how to think, not what to think. We want them to learn about the world around them and then find ways to make it a better place. The resources and tools provided by Discovery Education help us do that!

Jessica Aue, Principal, Michigan

Explore Our Solutions

Discovery Education’s comprehensive learning solutions, high-quality resources, and dedicated partner support will help improve student outcomes and empower teachers in your school.


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Award-winning, ESSA-Strong math solution integrates curriculum and continuous formative assessment to personalize instruction, develop conceptual understanding, and build critical skills, and is proven effective for all types of learners.


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Early learners develop mastery over foundational literacy skills in an engaging, personalized learning path that takes them on playful quests.


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This evidence-based program accelerates learning by providing personalized instruction and intervention for students to develop comprehension, vocabulary, and reading proficiency in grades 3-12. It can improve reading proficiency by 2.5 grade levels in a single school year.


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The ultimate teacher toolkit: This online learning platform and resource hub engages students with real-world content and multi-modal instruction, supports teachers with intuitive teaching tools, and ensures high-quality instruction with cross-curricular strategies.


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Online science supplement with 500+ interactive activities, so students will see, measure, analyze, and explore phenomena-based, active learning science opportunities for themselves.


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Mystery Science is a unique, standards-aligned science curriculum for grades K-5 designed to help students stay curious! Open-and-go lessons with step-by-step, hands-on activities explore scientific phenomena using common classroom items.

Get Started Today!

Transform your school and ensure every student’s success.

Contact us today to learn more about our programs and start your journey toward academic excellence.