DreamBox Learning has proven, effective results for math and reading outcomes
DreamBox Math Research Studies
Discover the power of DreamBox Math through our comprehensive research studies.
Explore our complete directory of math research to see how we're transforming learning outcomes.

Across all levels, students achieved over 5 points growth in 8 weeks
Students who used DreamBox for just one hour a week during disrupted learning increased more than 5 national achievement points in math. These gains were on an accelerated timeline and were evident for all achievement levels and grades.

Research shows use of DreamBox increased end-of-year test scores in just 55 minutes a week
A study conducted by third-party research organization, LearnPlatform, found that students at William Penn School District who completed at least 3.5 DreamBox Math lessons (about one hour per week) had higher end-of-year math achievement scores. The analysis also suggested that the program was equally impactful for students regardless of grade, race, and FRL status. Researchers calculated standardized effect sizes (Hedge’s g) to determine the changes in student outcomes and found that DreamBox Math was 4Xs more effective than the average elementary school math intervention.

Data shows that ELL students using DreamBox Math demonstrated significant growth on end-of-year assessments
Nearly one third of the student population in Napa Valley Unified School District are English Language Learners. Data shows that ELL students in grades 1-8 who completed about one hour of DreamBox Math per week demonstrated 8 percentile points more growth on the end-of-year assessments than students who did not use the program. This significant increase was also evident across all starting achievement levels, all grades, and for students who qualify for FRLP.

Students who completed five DreamBox Math lessons per week approached or exceeded the South Carolina Added Value Targets
South Carolina students in 4th and 5th grade who used DreamBox Math for one hour per week demonstrated significantly greater growth on year-end testing. This study also found that students who completed 5 lessons per week demonstrated a year-over-year growth that either approached or exceeded the South Carolina Added Value Targets. These positive results were observed for students across all achievement levels.

Harvard study suggests DreamBox impact on student learning outcomes
The CEPR at Harvard University study of DreamBox Math showed meaningful achievement gains. In particular, when students spent 20 minutes per week on DreamBox Math, their NWEA MAP scores increased by 2.5 points. Because the study indicates a linear relationship between time spent on DreamBox and achievement gains, students who use DreamBox for 60 minutes per week stand to experience an increase of 7.5 points on the MAP assessment.

DreamBox Math is the only comprehensive K–8 math program rated STRONG by Evidence for ESSA
“One study of DreamBox Learning took place in grades K-1 in three Rocketship charter schools over a 4-month period. Students who used DreamBox Learning gained more than controls on NWEA tests, with an effect size of +0.11. This qualifies DreamBox Learning for the ESSA “Strong” category.”

SRI International study shows DreamBox has positive effects on student achievement
Conducted by Stanford Research Institute, the study shows students using DreamBox scored 2.3 points higher on the NWEA assessments with gains equivalent to 5.5 percentile point in 16 weeks. Research is validated by the What Works Clearinghouse Institute of Education Sciences.
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